Our Pastor

 Mary Kay Kusner, is an ordained Roman Catholic Womanpriest.  Her ordination is in line with apostolic succession which means that the bishop who ordained her, was herself ordained by a bishop, who was ordained by a bishop and this line of bishops can be traced back to the apostles.

 Because the current leaders of the Catholic Church do not recognize that people who share the same gender as the mother of Jesus should be ordained, our pastor has been excommunicated.  Our community is in support of her as she responds to her calling. Mary Kay is the married mother of four and a hospital chaplain.

 Members are invited to participate in planning the liturgy and sharing the responsibilities of growing and nurturing our community, to the extent they are interested and able.

 Our organizational structure is non-hierarchical; everyone has a vote.

 We are growing a new way of church…a way that has a lot in common with the early church. You might say we have come Full Circle.


Shape a circle ever wider…

All are welcome.  Period.

LGBTQA+ affirming


Liturgy at Full Circle

We are a community seeking to support each other in deepening our understanding of what Christ Jesus is calling us to be in the world today. Our community welcomes persons regardless of race, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, marital status, and abilities. We strive to use inclusive language.

Our pastor delivers most homilies. On some Sundays, the homily is prepared and delivered by a member of the congregation.  After the homily, the floor is open for comments and insights from the group.

Refreshments and fellowship after Mass.


 Community Building

We are peace-seekers with a strong commitment to social justice in our homes, communities, and world. We believe that God endows each person with gifts, and that as an affirming community our role is to welcome and cultivate these gifts for the benefit of the individual and the community.  We believe the best communities find ways for all persons to participate to the extent they wish.

Old and New


Roman Catholic Womenpriests is a new and an ancient model of priesthood, within the Roman Catholic Church. Evidence documents the presence of women priests and bishops in the early church. There is a movement reclaiming this practice. 

In 2002, seven women called to the priesthood were ordained in full apostolic succession. The ordaining bishops believed that equality for women was what the Spirit was calling them to enact.  We walk in solidarity with women who were apostles, prophets, teachers, deacons, priests, abbesses, and bishops from the early church. 

We affirm the saintly women and men in our Catholic tradition whose words and lives give testimony to the vision of Jesus. 

 “In Christ, there is no Jew or Greek, slave or citizen, male or female. All are one in Christ Jesus”       (Galatians 3:28)

 Roman Catholic Womenpriests (RCWP) is an international movement. All ordained believe we are standing against an unjust law of male only ordination. We have been fully excommunicated from the RC Church in the hope of re-creating the church from within. www.romancatholicwomenpriests.org

